Emergency and Critical Care

/Departments / Emergency and Critical Care

Emergency and Critical Care

The emergency department in KMC functions 24/7 throughout the year and the heart of the hospital in view of number of emergencies attended and lives saved with thrombolysis, intubation and resuscitation

Equipped with a ventilator, defibrillator and ETCO2 monitors, emergency physician, duty doctors, paramedic and nurses who enthusiastically and untiringly work in shifts to give life saving critical care.

Numerous patients from the neighbouring villages and the Idappadi town come with medical emergencies, trauma, burns, poisoning and other dire life-threatening events.

Virtually since the inception of the KMC building in January 2007, the ER [ Emergency room ] has never been closed even for a few hours and is open 24/7 all through 365 days.

We strive to improve and update the department in accordance with the latest principles in emergency and critical care medicine and do our best in saving lives in golden hours.

24/7 Casualty

Critical Care

ICU, NICU with Bubble CPAP, HFNC, Ventilator

Your Health is Our Priority

24/7 Emergency Services