Obstetrics and Gynaecology

/Departments / Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Obstetrics and Gynaecology

The department under Dr. Suseela Chandran has been functioning since 1986 in erstwhile Karthic nursing home, with limited manpower, labour were conducted 24/7 saving many high risks and emergency patients in obstetrics from the Idappadi town and nearby villages.

The patients used to come in horse carriages those times, in the wee hours to take care of the best of the facilities available at that time and morning will rise with the cry of the newborn beside their mother.

Later in the 1990's operation theatre was started and emergency and elective c sections commenced.

Later in the early 2000s, laparoscopy unit was installed and gynecologic laparoscopic surgeries were done by the surgeons.

In the Gynaecology department , disease were treated and early diagnosis of uterine , cervical and ovarian malignancies were done with the help of the relevant investigations.

Together breast screening were done for symptomatic women with breast lump and diagnosed with cytology and treated accordingly.

Overall the obstetric and Gynaecology department functioned tirelessly under dr suseela chandran and gained a reputation among all households in the taluk.

Even the new multi-specialty campus used to be called Dr. Suseela hospital by the public in view of the enormous public directly benefited by the treatment of Dr. Suseela Chandran.